:p I regret most of the content/jokes here. 40% of which are cringe-worthy. This is not a blog that I'd want my nephews/nieces ...or anyone to read, actually. but it's still up here because of sentimental reasons. The blog took a lot of time to build & I just don't have the heart to delete it. If you do find the jokes funny - I'm happy to know that they're entertaining. Otherwise, here's a more "proper" one http://coffee-choc.blogspot.com ...prob not as funny, mainly about chocolates and coffee and food & music

Friday, April 24, 2015

Recipe for Marbled Halva

(Source: http://rowieonpendertime.blogspot.com/2010/12/incredibly-easy-marbled-halva.html)
Marbled Halva (from the Uprisings baking book)
Makes about 2 lbs. Mix in two batches
7/8 cup dry milk
1/3 cup honey
3/4 cup tahini

1/2 cup dry milk
1/3 cup carob powder (I used cocoa powder)
1/3 cup honey
3/4 cup tahini

Mix each batch in it's own bowl. It comes together quickly and easily. It should form a very soft playdough type ball. 

Set one batch on top of the other and knead for a short time, until two colors are marbled together.

 Press into an 8" pan and chill overnight. 

Cut into cubes and enjoy! Store in the fridge.

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