:p I regret most of the content/jokes here. 40% of which are cringe-worthy. This is not a blog that I'd want my nephews/nieces ...or anyone to read, actually. but it's still up here because of sentimental reasons. The blog took a lot of time to build & I just don't have the heart to delete it. If you do find the jokes funny - I'm happy to know that they're entertaining. Otherwise, here's a more "proper" one http://coffee-choc.blogspot.com ...prob not as funny, mainly about chocolates and coffee and food & music

Sunday, June 15, 2008

How to prevent egg shells from cracking

This page is dedicated to my friends who don't know how to boil eggs ;-)
- & those who hate to boil eggs because they can't prevent the shells from cracking

Hard-cooked eggs in the shell can be refrigerated up to one week. According to: http://whatscookingamerica.net/Eggs/BoiledEggs.htm
**that means you can boil 12 eggs at a time :-)
You'll probably finish em in less than 5 days

1) Put eggs into the a pot/wide saucepan.

2) Use a cup/glass to pour water into the saucepan
**Quantity: enough water to cover 3/4 of the surface of the egg shells.

3) Cover the saucepan with the glass lid

4) Use 'Low' heat to cook the eggs for 30 minutes
** Low heat prevents egg shells from breaking

5) Switch off the stove. Do not open the lid.
** Leave the eggs in the saucepan for another 30 mins

Important: Use enough water to cover 3/4 of the surface of the egg shells

Use 'Low' heat to cook the eggs for 30 minutes
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1 comment:

  1. Gurl,.. you cook nasi lemak for me k???? But I dun like hard boiled eggs. I want telur goreng
