:p I regret most of the content/jokes here. 40% of which are cringe-worthy. This is not a blog that I'd want my nephews/nieces ...or anyone to read, actually. but it's still up here because of sentimental reasons. The blog took a lot of time to build & I just don't have the heart to delete it. If you do find the jokes funny - I'm happy to know that they're entertaining. Otherwise, here's a more "proper" one http://coffee-choc.blogspot.com ...prob not as funny, mainly about chocolates and coffee and food & music

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Low Fat Chinese Rice Dumplings

I don't eat 'pasar malam' or 'pasar pagi' rice dumplings at all. They're too oily (Yuck!) 
the huge pork fat cubes are disgusting

The best dumplings I've ever had are my Mums' homemade dumplings, of course:-) - which she only make once a year, just enough to last for 3 days.

- plenty of chestnuts
- plenty of dhal
- minimal pork fat:-)

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