:p I regret most of the content/jokes here. 40% of which are cringe-worthy. This is not a blog that I'd want my nephews/nieces ...or anyone to read, actually. but it's still up here because of sentimental reasons. The blog took a lot of time to build & I just don't have the heart to delete it. If you do find the jokes funny - I'm happy to know that they're entertaining. Otherwise, here's a more "proper" one http://coffee-choc.blogspot.com ...prob not as funny, mainly about chocolates and coffee and food & music

Thursday, August 13, 2009

New York nostalgia...

Anything (images, usually) that's to do with New York (including Lady Gaga ;pp) seems to render me a sense of nostalgia...

Hence, the green metal stairs of  Smith &Caughey's building on Queen/Elliot Street (in Auckland City) is undoubtedly one of my favourite sightings :) :)
 - it reminds me of NY apartments in films like Breakfast at Tiffany's... where Audrey Hepburn played guitar and sang the song Moon River while sitting on her window sill.
(Oh, I absolutely love the beautiful lyrics in the song Moon River :)) )

I guess I have always felt an uncanny sense of "connection" with New York because of the many touching love stories that are set in the Big Apple - Spiderman, Superman, King Kong...

Isn't it wonderful that in a huge sea of people...two individuals can mean so much to each other? :))))))
That's a very beautiful feeling :))))

Let's just talk about the less famous NY-films that you might want to watch some day:)

Serendipity is a 2001 romantic comedy, starring John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale.


On a bustling shopping day in winter, Jonathan Trager (John Cusack) meets Sara Thomas (Kate Beckinsale) when both try to buy the same pair of gloves at Bloomingdale's department store. Two strangers amid the masses in New York City, their paths collide in the mad holiday rush as they feel a mutual attraction.

Match Point

I have never seen Match Point before, but stumbled upon the NYC apartment sex scenes video ;ppp hehe - which, in my humble opinion...is very very appealing :))